
Will business get rid of methane emissions?

Will business get rid of methane emissions?

Story highlights The idea was proposed earlier this year by the Clinton Global InitiativeThe program is being met…

06/18/20204 min read
Early 2020 polling shows low support for Clinton, Biden

Early 2020 polling shows low support for Clinton, Biden

A new CNN/ORC poll reveals that Democratic insiders, as well as voters, have set their sights on the…

07/31/20223 min read
Children in Portland are becoming increasingly sick from the city’s air pollution — and where the wind turbines blow.

Children in Portland are becoming increasingly sick from the city’s air pollution — and where the wind turbines blow.

The number of children in and around Portland who are getting used to breathing polluted air has increased…

03/14/20212 min read
The Violent Epidemic in Solomon Islands

The Violent Epidemic in Solomon Islands

by Courtney MabeusIt looks like the violence in the Solomon Islands has been getting worse. The bloodshed was…

04/25/20214 min read
CANDi-Niece Ortiz, Executive Producer of CNN Newsroom

CANDi-Niece Ortiz, Executive Producer of CNN Newsroom

Play Audio Clip Listen to audio clip.A portion of the American Folk Art Museum in a stark glass…

10/23/20202 min read
‘The Canadian version of the Hee Haw Show’: Greg Germain eats, slays with A&W

‘The Canadian version of the Hee Haw Show’: Greg Germain eats, slays with A&W

Misi from the Prince Edward Island-based A&W Root Beer empire, private chef and chef to House of Commons…

10/14/20212 min read

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Prince Norodom Ranariddh, one of Cambodia’s great contemporary politicians, has died

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